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Girard Middle School Physical Education Syllabus


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Instructor Information:


Instructor:  Rod Wescott Email: rwescott@girard248.org
School Phone:  (620) 724-4114 Planning Period Time available for phone call:  2:30



Purpose:    This course is designed to provide middle school students with the knowledge and skills to enjoy a physically active and healthy lifestyle.

Equipment:    Students will need a T-shirt, shorts/sweats, athletic socks, gym shoes, soap/shampoo, towel, deodorant, and a combination or keyed lock.

Class Procedure:

-You will have 10 minutes after your previous class to dress out and be seated in the gym.  Anyone arriving after this time will be counted tardy.

-Everyone is required to dress out.  You must also change back to your school clothes before going to your next class.  It is part of your grade along with participation, effort, and attitude.

-Each day student's have class they will have the opportunity to earn ten points.  Grades will be based on the above.

-If a student does not dress out, he/she will receive a materials mark on the student conduct card for not being prepared for class.  He/she will still have the opportunity to earn partial credit for the day by participating in school clothes.

Hygiene:  Hygiene is a very important part of our class.  Students are strongly encouraged to shower and use deodorant after class.  You will be given ample time to shower and change.

Instruction:  When the whistle blows you must stop, make eye contact with the teacher, and listen for instructions.

 Grading Policy:                                                    Calculation of Final Trimester Grade:

A =90-100%                                        Simple Average based on Total Points possible

B =80-89%                                                                               

C =70-79%                                                            

D =60-69%                                                                  

F =0-59%                                                                    

Absences:  If you are absent, when you return to school it is your responsibility to check with each teacher to see what you missed during your absence.

iPad Policy in this class:  Do not bring your iPad to class.  Leave it locked in your hallway locker.